Information card Business relations Group Business analytics Tax report Debt information Court cases Procurements
Quarterly data Financial report Annual reports Credit reports

Quarterly financial results

Quarterly data shows all payees. Annual data presents the number of full-time employees of fixed-term contracts.
         The quarterly turvover is for the parent company and does not reflect the result of the consolidation group.
         The quarterly turnover is based on declarations of VAT submitted in the quarter and is thus offset by one month.
         Source: Tax and Customs Board
Quarterly turnover
22 805 748 € 43 709 303 € 22 474 697 € 17 290 740 €
13 588 172 € 22 278 774 € 20 874 043 € 14 303 711 €
15 455 156 €
Quarterly turnover per employee
48 730 € 100 945 € 64 030 € 51 924 €
40 683 € 67 105 € 67 994 € 47 363 €
47 119 €
Average gross salary
468 433 351 333 334 332 307 302 328
1 749 € 1 903 € 2 370 € 1 850 € 2 079 € 2 069 € 2 599 € 2 108 € 2 188 €

Financial report


Distribution of sales revenue by business area (2022)

Field of activity EMTAK code Revenue (EUR) Revenue % Main field of activity
Kokkupandavate puitehitiste (saunad, suvilad, majad) ja nende elementide tootmine 16232 50 845 865 59.73 Yes
Muude puitplaatide tootmine 16219 20 952 082 24.61 No
Muude puidutöötlemissaaduste tootmine, sh hakkepuit, puitvill jms 16109 13 325 625 15.65 No

Analytical information


Annual reports


Company credit report
